This paged failed. everything.
You always hear about how if someone had detected it early enough it could have been prevented. Like a desease. That's probably the worst news someone could hear. If I someday get cancer or something like that, I don't want to know if it could have been prevented.
decided to come to my parents house. went canoeing with brother.
sometimes you really regret doing something. but then again, you knew that you would regret it even before you did it. It's weird how that is, i think we learn that lesson at a very young age. You know you are going to regret something. Then you do it anyway. Then you regret it. I guess that is what this web page was originally supposed to be about. failing, and letting yourself down.
Sometimes I wonder if there is someone out there with a whole bunch of great wisdom they could pass on but either a) i dont know them, or b) their wisdom doesn't include realizing they should pass it on.
It's annoying when someone tells you how something is. So you ask why and they take it as though you are questioning what they said. really though you are just trying to learn more but they see it as you are questioning them.
I hope I never have the attitude that I would rather watch something go bad then share it.
Well I think I will sit around on my butt for another month, cause i can start working at spiegel on the 27th, it is the next training thing.
Me and jordan were wandering around the city last night and we found this big hole with a fence around it. So we were looking down the hole and we saw a owl. Scared us pretty bad. Anyway, it looked real but then we threw some sticks and rocks and stuff at it and found it is made of plastic. kind of was a bummer, because it looked real. well, it is probably good that it is made of plastic, we would have probably caught it in a net or something. I guess it was there to keep birds away and rats and stuff. and nosey kids like us. we went to where the boats come in and jordan talked to some guy named tony who works on a big irving ship.
got a job at rmh start tomorrow night but have an interview tomorrow morning with speigel, hopefully i get that job. well hopefully fcc calls me back, but most likely no.
Went out biking. I was on this trail and I saw a guy walking up ahead of me and as soon as I saw him I did a face plant into the dirt. That guy probably laughed, maybe he didn't notice but he probably did because I made quite a bit of noise. Went to spiegel. Did some apptitude test that I guess was supposed to prove I wasn't a complete idiot. Then I took a typing test which I made fifty four words per minute which I thought was pretty good, since on my resume I usually put thirty nine, which was a guess. anyway i am going to go for an interview on tuesday for there. Went to the top of the city hall for something to do. there is a big window up there you can look out.
went down to rmh this morning. i can probably start working there on tuesday but its all evenings work. calling people trying to sell stuff. I don't know if I really want to do that stuff. Guess I'll go over to spiegel in a bit and see what they have to say. probably the same thing. ahh. when i was at rmh waiting to talk to someone i started reading this company newsletter thing that was there. said they started a call center in the philipeans. the employees had to take a two week course on losing their philipino accents and how to sound like an american.
well i broke a part on my bike again that isn't any good.
someday i am going to go to the skoki lodge in alberta. its these cabins that are 11 km from lake louis resort, only accessable by hiking or skiing.
Well at tim hortens i saw that girl who went on my bus to college.
today i saw this garbage can that looked like a normal old garbage can, had a garbage bag in it and stuff. it had a sign on top that said `out of order do not use.` why would a garbage can be out of order?
went down to give blood today but i couldn't because i told them i got a piercing within the last year and i could supposedly have aids or whatever. think i still got paid for the night though.
Okay since in highschool I took most of my essays and projects off of the internet, I think I will write about the best way to plagerize and not get caught. since i never got caught. First, you have to find the right website. I suggest something not too popular, but that is very very very long. Then you gotta read a bit of it and decide if it is too advanced for anything you could have possibly written yourself, or is at about a grade three level. If it is too advanced, you have to replace all the big words. Use the thuasarus in word if you don't know what they mean. (highlight the word then hit shift f7) If the essay is at too low of a grade level, go find a new website but keep this one loaded up, because you can always throw a bit of it in just to reinforce that you did write this essay yourself. anyway, copy paste the entire essay into word or something like that, and then go down through and delete most of it, so the essay is only like a page or however long your project is supposed to be. This way it talks about a lot of different stuff on the topic, so that the teacher knows you did a lot of research in your library, or in encylopidias or whatever they are. if there is a part that has a lot of facts, delete that because it will be boring for the teacher to read. lastly, if you have the time, read over what is written and make a introduction paragraph and conclusion paragraph, which are both almost the same thing, the first sentence of each paragraph throughout the body. okay when the internet became more popular, teachers started making you write down a "works cited" page which is like where you found your information. if you have to make one of these make sure you make a really long list of encyclopidias and CD's and newspapers, and other websites besides the one that you actually used. Remember the bigger this list the more work your teacher will think you did. write down your favorite archie comics or whatever it takes.
Was talking to justin who works at subway down the street. he got robbed sunday night, three guys came in and stole a little over six hundred dollars. that's around two hundred a piece. I suppose I could get into that business but I'd have to do about three a week to make it worth it. some good times playing video games at jordans house today. set up a tent for no real purpose. thursday im going to go give some blood at the armories to make a little money.
i don't like shopping. the other day i called canadian tire asking if they had something and they told me they had them. so i went there and tried to find it, but couldn't. I asked for some help and the girl told me there was someone at the desk for that department. I went to the desk and there was no one there. So I asked another employee to page someone and they did. I waited a long time and no one came so i went behind the desk and started messing around with some stuff and none of the employees seemed to care much. finally someone came who didn't work in that department, so they had to go get someone who did. They had one left of what I was looking for, and it was broken.
the guy at the bikeshop said, "how big of a bump did you say you hit?" and held up a broken axel. oh well.
I went biking and hit a big rock. I think I might have done something bad news to my back wheel.
I'm thinking back to when I was younger and was at Brad's house and some construction guys were outside his house. We decided to spraw them with some squirt guns. But then we thought they would probably like the cold water in the middle of a sunny day, so we put scolding hot water in the water guns. haha.
This summer, on the day we were aloud to go into the town there, I bought a backpack that holds water (camelpack) for fourty dollars at canadian tire and took it back to the barracks and sold it for sixty. speaking of money, tonight I found out irving sells donuts for thirty nine cents at night. fifty percent off just because they are a day old, what a deal.
I don't have too many memories of my grandmother but I think it was her that when I was little told me to spell my middle name step then hen. so every time i go to write my middle name I forget how to spell it cause it doesn't really make much sense, like a lot of the english language. anyway i always think of that step hen thing. maybe my mom told me that i can't remember. i bought these ten scalops from sobeys and they costed me over five dollars. they tasted nice. on saturday went to gagetown and shot a rifle. it was cool because they had little screens beside where you shot that showed you where you hit on the target. so you didn't have to get up or anything. today i cleaned the guns. and tomorrow. and the next day. im going to go bike around rockwood park for a while, if i get the energy to clean my bike. its muddy because last time i went I found a swamp.
Well its been a pretty boring couple of weeks but whatever. Today I went and bought some groceries. I was standing at the checkout when someone behind me put a pretty tastey looking cake on the counter. I said outloud, "mmm that looks tastey." I saw it was a asian girl standing behind me and she said, "oh, thank you." I think maybe she took it the wrong way. Anyway, Jordan's
profile is pretty funny.
The other day I was somewhere and I looked over and said, "you know.. everyone trys to be all the same." Then I wondered why that is. I figure its probably because of the way we are taught in school. Like last week when school started I imagine not many kids just went out and bought supplies for themselves. More likely they were given a detailed list of what they had to get, and half of the things wern't their own, they were "class supplies". I don't know what I am talking about but oh well.
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