
This paged failed. everything.


You always hear about how if someone had detected it early enough it could have been prevented. Like a desease. That's probably the worst news someone could hear. If I someday get cancer or something like that, I don't want to know if it could have been prevented.
decided to come to my parents house. went canoeing with brother.
sometimes you really regret doing something. but then again, you knew that you would regret it even before you did it. It's weird how that is, i think we learn that lesson at a very young age. You know you are going to regret something. Then you do it anyway. Then you regret it. I guess that is what this web page was originally supposed to be about. failing, and letting yourself down.
Sometimes I wonder if there is someone out there with a whole bunch of great wisdom they could pass on but either a) i dont know them, or b) their wisdom doesn't include realizing they should pass it on.
It's annoying when someone tells you how something is. So you ask why and they take it as though you are questioning what they said. really though you are just trying to learn more but they see it as you are questioning them.
I hope I never have the attitude that I would rather watch something go bad then share it.
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