
This paged failed. everything.


I don't have too many memories of my grandmother but I think it was her that when I was little told me to spell my middle name step then hen. so every time i go to write my middle name I forget how to spell it cause it doesn't really make much sense, like a lot of the english language. anyway i always think of that step hen thing. maybe my mom told me that i can't remember. i bought these ten scalops from sobeys and they costed me over five dollars. they tasted nice. on saturday went to gagetown and shot a rifle. it was cool because they had little screens beside where you shot that showed you where you hit on the target. so you didn't have to get up or anything. today i cleaned the guns. and tomorrow. and the next day. im going to go bike around rockwood park for a while, if i get the energy to clean my bike. its muddy because last time i went I found a swamp.
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