This paged failed. everything.
You should try everything at least twice.
julie and dan were talking about extended family a bit coming home in the car. i can't remember my great grandparents, i don't remember my great grandmothers name. but i do remember spruce gum in a jar. and i remember when they died and their house was cleaned out i got this blue little bible, that i think was my great grandmothers.
When I think back to working at camp some things about it bother me. One thing that i really didn't like much was that at the end of each week, awards were given out to the best camper. As I saw it the award was given out to the kid who tried to suck up to the counsolers the most. Or the female counsolers thought they had a cute haircut or voice or something like that. The way the children would be talked about behind their back at staff meetings was pretty stupid.
A couple years ago I sprayed an electrical fire out with a water hose.
well I get paid time and a half for working tomorrow (sunday) I've had that gerbil, Bishop, for over a year now. what a waste of a life. i know i wouldn't want to live inside a cage, sleeping in my own waste, and living in the dark most of the time. Actually though he never has to work. Doesn't have to worry about anyone else.
I figure if I spend an average of six minutes a day on the toilet, then I have spent about a month of my life on the toilet. If I live to be an old man of eighty then I have about three more months on the toilet left. Four months on the toilet in total.
Over four months is how long as tim has dated his wife, which i found out from his now
boring web page. I think I am going to play some risk tonight with him and his guy friends, before he gets married next week.
I wonder how often my breath stinks bad and I don't know about it and no one else will tell me. Except when I worked at the value village I got lots of free gum because I was in a routine of eating a can of sardines before work.
Why is it that some girls think they have to ask the guy out and not the other way around? Where's the coybows these days, why don't guys grow a pair and stop waiting for the girls to make the first move.
I wish people wound stop using acronims on msn or whatever. people write a bunch of letters and you are supposed to figure out what they mean.
Anyway, the job at the empire theaters expansion is going pretty good. Went to one of the new theaters tonight to watch a movie, the seats are pretty good they are tall and you can actually lift up those annoying armrests with the pop holders in them.
I've never seen anybody die before, and I've never seen anyone being born before.
well i got an electrical job so i don't have to work at that call center now. didn't have any tools so i had to go over to canadian tire and buy a bunch.
well if you click on the two links to pictures on this page and wait for a download, you will hear different little guitar recordings i made. a surprise. a little treat.
got back from the call center. today was funny, everyone was frustrated because they didn't know what they were doing. earlier they told people they could go home early because the system was down and we couldn't answer calls but i didn't much feel like going home, because i still got paid for sitting and doing nothing. i think i was the only person who stayed. what made me mad though was we all got a toy and everyone was getting these cool squishy balls and puzzles and stuff and i got a lousy pastic slinky.
I think I might look into joining nubodys, i'm trying to figure out if i will actually commit to going there though.
Sometimes if you make a decision in the past then you think you have to make the same decision now.
I want to do something that has a purpose soon but i havn't thought of anything yet. I will write it in this journal when i think of it, or do it.
went to gagetown this weekend for the training excersize with the reserves. it was okay. the first night i didn't put my sleeping bad together right because i wasn't cold when i went to sleep but then i woke up cold later. last night though, i put all the layers together so i was in my underwear and still warm the whole night. we practiced attacks and nuclear/biological/chemical defense and first aid and reconnaissance patrols and navigation. we did an attack this morning and there were artillery simulators and those things that fly up in the air and light up the area. it was cool because we didn't get to use those on our basic training. i had one of the machine guns this weekend so it was kind of a pain to carry that everywhere but it was fun to fire.
we finished training at the call center on friday so tomorrow we start to answer phone calls. i will tell this journal tomorrow how that went.
Well I told a lady at work that I am twenty five and then acted offended when she said I look more like twenty one or twenty two. I looked at her pay statement and she didn't have as much taxes taken out of her. but she told me she has a kid so she thought maybe that has something to do with it. if i had a kid maybe i wouldn't have to pay as much taxes.
I complain a lot about having crappy jobs but there are some people that just moan all day. especially some people with the army this summer just complained about everything.
was talking to Clancy for a minute at the bus stop i guess a little while ago someone stole his bag with clothes and food and stuff in it. He said the weather is supposed to be good tomorrow so hopefully it will be when i have to walk to the armories.
got a haircut.. wearing my new sweater.. im pretty stylin today.
Tonight was somewhat boring. So I will write about it. I tried playing a little guitar but didn't get anywhere, except that someday I want to learn a classical song. I went over to the mall to buy a shirt because we arn't allowed wearing t shirts to work for some reason so i bought a sweater. i think it may be too small. It was in the clearance rack for ten dollars. The girl at the cash said it was cute when i asked what she thought of it but i thought she was lying so i asked her if she was lying. she seemed to get offended and said she would have told me if it was ugly. but anyway, i had some change left so i went to dairy queen and asked what i could get with the change and then some guy added a dollar to my pile of change. I guess he thought I was a pretty hurting guy to be shopping at zellers maybe, i dont really know. So the dairy queen person gave me some chocolate ice cream that wasn't anything special.
speaking of dairy queen i was going to buy something there the other day and a girl brought back a sunday and said it tasted bad. The girl working there smelt it and said, ewwwwww... throw that raspberry out! (to another guy working there). The girl who bought it said she had just taken a big old spoonful. it was funny.
Well thanksgiving weekend is over. I'm about to go back to another dead end low wage job, in a few minutes. I suppose I should be thankful though. Sunday had some turkey at parents house. Monday had some ham at jordans house. I ate quite a bit this weekend. I hope I get my schedule today so I know what time I would be working throughout the days after this week. I wish more things made sense.
Added a mp3 file on the left side of the page.
saw laura from hampton high at wal-mart today she said she is going to dalhouse university to study english. her mother was with her, she was buying pillows or something like that. she is a very pretty girl.
I will write more in here later tonight.
Once when I was working at value village these two ladies came through the cash register and they were buying a table, or something like that. Anyway it was too big to put on the counter and i couldn't see the price where I was from and I didn't feel like going around the counter to check so I asked how much it cost. The first lady said seventeen nintey nine, and then the second lady said twelve ninety nine. So I asked again how much it cost and they kind of looked at each other and said twelve ninety nine. it was pretty obvious that they were lying but then what made it really obvious was one of the ladies ripped off the price tag and rolled it into a little ball. I sold it for twelve ninety nine.
All these school girls were spraying perfume on the bus because the air supposedly stunk like saint john or something and they went way exessive and i can still smell that, and it's probably on me. it would be nice if i was a lady or whatever but im not.
Just to tell what the two pictures are, the first one of the basement. That is the loading area under brunswick square. To the left is a garage door and some parking spaces. Back behind that there are elevators and hallway with lots of doors. To the right is a janitors room and more doors.
The second picture of the owl is a plastic owl that is scary looking in the dark. There is this parking lot and off of it is sort of an dead end alley with a bunch of dumpsters. Behind the dumpsters is a hole in the ground that is probably a couple stories deep and there is a fence so you don't fall in. I took a picture of the hole maybe i will post that too. On the other side of the hole is this owl. You can buy them at canadian tire.
The other day some old guy knocked on the door and when i answered it he said, oh wrong guy. Then I asked who he was looking for and he said, someone in the next building. So I was about to close the door and he said, wish me luck. So I wished him luck.
I was running to catch the bus last night and I scared some woman because I came up behind her. I talked to her a bit, I think her name was stacey.
Then tonight I was simply walking down the sidewalk and some lady came out of the alley by this apartment and I supposedly scared her.
Bunch of nervous people in this city.
I saw some lady crossing the street and she started into a jog because a car was coming and she tripped and fell on all fours. I'm going to bed goodnight.
I kinda forgot that I can post to this blog. That's kinda fun.
Well I added a pictures section to the web site. So far I have two pictures. I might change around the picture section a bit when i get more pictures. but right now i gotta go to bed.
went to that call center, it's a new one about 120 people started today, most of them people who quit rmh. it does customer service for i think i will probably go balistic sitting at a desk everyday. there's a guy there who looks like milton.
well i'm going to start this job monday at a new call center called archway.
the other day (3rd of october) the song we used to sing in french class that goes "c'est l'alloween, hey!" over and over, started playing in my head. I looked back at posts i had written a year ago and on the 9th of october that same song came into my head. this has been happening each year to me around the start of october for years.
Actually just after writing that last paragraph i looked up "c'est l'alloween" and i got someone else's
blog and they wrote this:
C'est l'alloween, HEY, c'est l'alloween, HEY!
Can you believe we used to sing that song in french class when I was in gradeschool? How pathetic is that.
since i only got seven results from the search engine i am guessing i spelt it wrong, but so did this person.
Well I'm back at the apartment. Went canoeing tonight down the river, it was pretty relaxing. the water was calm and like glass. There wern't any misquitos.
I was looking at these old web pages I found on the internet that are still saved. Here are some quotes:
"I gotta work at noon today. Sometimes when I get to work I'm not sure if I will make it through the day, but I always do.. I always do.." - wrote this while working at the fish plant.
"I am in grade twelve right now, studying such things as world issues and the economy as well as Shakespear. Lots of junk I will never use in my life." - from the about me section
"But what do I know, I believe how great a person is can be defined by their nose size. What will the future hold for me? Where is the "real world?" it's all pointless. " - from a page where i just wrote a bunch of nonsense.
I also found a picture of something I built out of
lego, then put a different picture for the background. I called it the 16P3M, which i remember calling it that because I was sixteen years old physically but three years old mentally when playing with legos.
The other day some guy called at the apartment. I can't remember the exact words but it was something like this:
me: Hello
guy: Hi Albert, how are you?
me: Good.
guy: When are you going in town?
me: Right now.
guy: Who is this?
me: This is Albert who is this?
guy: This is (something i couldn't understand)
me: I think you got the wrong number.
guy: oh sorry about that.
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