
This paged failed. everything.


Once when I was working at value village these two ladies came through the cash register and they were buying a table, or something like that. Anyway it was too big to put on the counter and i couldn't see the price where I was from and I didn't feel like going around the counter to check so I asked how much it cost. The first lady said seventeen nintey nine, and then the second lady said twelve ninety nine. So I asked again how much it cost and they kind of looked at each other and said twelve ninety nine. it was pretty obvious that they were lying but then what made it really obvious was one of the ladies ripped off the price tag and rolled it into a little ball. I sold it for twelve ninety nine.
All these school girls were spraying perfume on the bus because the air supposedly stunk like saint john or something and they went way exessive and i can still smell that, and it's probably on me. it would be nice if i was a lady or whatever but im not.

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