This paged failed. everything.
did some survey....
lady: i'm doing a survey about........
me: what do I get out of it?
lady: nothing but it's only a few questions.
lady: how many vhs movies did you rent in the last month?
me: one, the two towers i watched it last night
lady: and where did you rent it from?
me: the corner store
lady: how many dvd's have you rented in the last month?
me: maybe two.
lady: and you rented those from the corner store?
me: yes.
lady: and of which age group are you from eighteen to.....
me: I am twenty how old are you?
lady: oh me.. I am fifty eight.
me: how do you like doing surveys?
lady: it's a job.
me: people are probably pretty rude?
lady: yes a lot of people are.
me: who do you do these surveys for, blockbuster?
lady: we arn't allowed giving out that information.
me: yah i know because i might not rent their movies if they called me up with surveys at my house.
lady: what is your household income, is it between...
me: I don't know my household income.
lady: you know it is safe to give out your....
me: i don't know my household income, what is your income doing surveys?
lady: We arn't allowed giving out....
me: So I am supposed to give you my information when you won't give me yours?
lady: haha
survey's are boring i don't know why i do them sometimes. and i don't know why i wrote this one down.
I havn't written in this journal for a bit. There was an feild excersize with the reserves this weekend but I didn't feel like going much.
at basic military training we were told it is a war crime to put an x in the end of your rounds to make them shatter because it is inhumane or whatever, but then we were told it is better to injure someone and not kill them. one of my roomates there called his mother and she got upset when he told her that we were issued real weapons. the first day we were there the other roomate said he was told at his unit they didn't actually yell at you.
I was getting a drive somewhere once with a doctor in his sports car and he said he thought people who are rich like bill gates and that should help the starving and poor in the world. seems like everyone expects someone who is richer should do something about poverty.
it is my
father's birthday today.
I hope I'm not married or own a house or any of that for a long time.
Happy Mexican Revolution Day!
Well I am back from that gagetown thing. I didn't do too much there, because no other linemen showed up except some guy from gagetown who works full time and he only stayed until saturday afternoon. We dragged out a couple small telephone wires and he showed me how to climb a pole but that's about it. The rest of the time I sat inside the heated tent and drank coffee. slept quite a bit.
This week should be pretty busy at the theaters but who really knows there.
planning on going on a excersize with the army this weekend in gagetown.
walked down to subway tonight and some lady asked me for change to buy a coffee. i told her i would buy her one at subway but she said she doesn't like the coffee there.
remember that thing in highschool where for a while everyone for some reason didn't wear their backpacks properly.
at work we were putting up the lightpoles in the parking lot. someone in the houses nearby could easily join into the bottom of those and get some free power.
that is all i really have to say for today.
Seems like I like to eat food a lot. I like tomatoes now, and olives, and horseraddish sauce and other stuff i would never have eaten when i was a kid. i don't know, i probably was a picky eater so i would grow up smaller than my older brothers and wouldn't have to wear hand me downs.
i sometimes say that i don't have any goals in life. the truth is i do have goals i just can't share them. and it doesn't look like they will happen.
note to self, don't eat onion like apple before girlfriend visits.
I walked down to do some laundry this afternoon and i went down by this church and there were some porta potties there and i had to go to the bathroom so i went in one and a whole bunch of steam came off my pee because it was pretty cold out. I think winter is near.
It has been quite a while since i have cried.
angela's uncle said the other day that anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a Dad. There was this guy in highschool whos name was Kirt and his nickname was dirty kirt. There was a really pretty girl I used to work with and she would bring her daughter in sometimes. I found out dirty kirt is the father. she told me she wished kirtus would just find another girlfriend or something like that.
Sometimes I wish I was more content.
Well I'm not working today. besides Tim's wedding this is my first day off in about a month or so. the electrical job is going alright, I thought I was going to get laid off yesterday but not yet. I kind of wish I had of gotten off work the last couple weeks a bit earlier in the day so I could have gotten down the the armories more. I volunteered to work today because they needed some apprentices at a different building, but the foreman never got back to me. I was going to ask him but then i figured I didn't really want to work today anyways.
Some people like themselves and some people don't. Everyone has things they like about themselves or they don't like about themselves, but when it comes down to it some people don't like who they are. And some people do. We once had to write a essay in highschool, I can't remember what it was about but I think it was about goals, and being happy or something like that. At the end of the essay, I finished with saying that when I die and look back over my life, in overall I would like what I see.
Last sunday morning I was in a taxi going to work and the driver told me about this one sunday morning at 4 am a lady got a 4 wheel suv stuck on the top railing of the reversing falls bridge. I asked him if there are a lot of strange people taking taxis at 4 am and he said yes, eighty percent woman.
I was on the bus and overheard a lady talking. "My oldest boy brought his girlfriend home to meet us the other day. And all these years we wondered if he was gay, but he finally got a girl."
I want a wife that doesn't want to have a job.
went to the armories and had some sort of parade thing which was boring but then it got way more boring sitting through some lecture on a bunch of junk i didn't understand. and i dont think anyone else did either. goodnight.
I wonder if there is anything left around the world that Jesus helped build while he was a carpenter.
Sometimes I wish I was a spontanious kind of guy. Like everything was its own little adventure, or something like that.
Sometimes I wish I was a better conversationalist. There are lots of other guys who are bad at having intelligent conversations too though, and they just fill in between the females talking with words such as mmm, yah, and okay.
Some people tell the same stories over and over. There's a french guy at work who always tells a little story about his little girl telling him she doesn't know the point why he has to work so much. Then he asks her if she likes getting a new pair of shoes and when they go and get an ice cream and she says yes Daddy I like those things. And he tells how he owned this club but it went bankrupt. Then he was hired to tear it down, and he kept all the wood and made a recycled house with an ocean view.
In college my nickname was beast. there was also crispy, p-dubs, *** clown, burlap sack, boots, and others i can't remember. in college we had to take this dumb course called communications. at the end of it we had to do a speach on something of our choice. one guy talked about how to grow dope well, crispy talked about lifting weights, but accidentally swore so much he gave up. another guy refused to do the project because he thought it was stupid. i can't remember the other ones. i started lifting weights for a while in college but then met a girl and started spending my free time with that hobby instead. i had a friend who was heavy into the weight lifting. he bought some stuff to mess with his hormones called animal stack over the internet. it was an american product and illegal in canada and the box came empty when he recieved it. it was a waste of sixty dollars for him. i went to some supplement store with him once though, and the owner there said he could hook him up with some heavy drugs. i don't think he bought them though. the guys from college were pretty good guys. went snowboarding with them and played guitar and lifted weights and ate pizza and bar b qued and picked on p-dubs. college was a waste of time. goodnight.
in grade twelve me and mike skipped some classes and took his parents car out into some muddy roads and drove it like a rally car. that car got quite a bit of abuse. this other time we skipped class, the teacher made me stay two days after school or something like that. some other teacher drove me home though, that was pretty funny. all in all i didn't skip very much high school though, but i do wish i could skip work once and a while. junior high was strange. i remember each day taking a bolt or two off of the guardrail on the road that came into the school. eventually i think it fell off. jordan would rip locker doors off of the lockers to make a bridge over this swampy place. we wanted to get across the swampy place so we could get to urbs hill to go sliding. i dont remember many of my teachers through school. but i do remember mr. ward in grade five because he took us whale watching. and kimmy in grade seven. kimmy was her first name but i don't think she liked it if you called her that. she would say that she took her frustrasions out at her home that she built up from our noisey class. i remember i told on this kid for lighting matches in class and she gave me a chocolate bar. what a sissy i was. then some kids went into her desk and stole the whole bag of chocolate bars. the same kids who would break into hampton church and steal the koolaid or whatever. they built a little shelter out of sticks in the woods and they had toothpaste there, i guess to freshen their breath after smoking cigarettes or marajana or whatever. anyway, we sprayed the toothpaste all over the camp they had built. i remember they were missing from class one day and some kid said they were at this camp, and kimmy left the class and went there and got them in trouble. she was always doing stuff like that, me and some other guys had to write out the school rules cause she was driving in her car and saw us walking down the road when we were supposed to be at school. anyway it was fun thinking back to school memories but i have to go to bed.
I should get a drink of juice because... I kind of like juice. If it's good juice.
I wonder how many people are admiring some celebrity figure right now, when their own lives are probably better than theirs are.
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