This paged failed. everything.
well i will talk about the friday five although its not friday. umm, the first concert i went to was ashley macizic, or however you spell that guys name. that was probably the most unschooly thing ive ever done at school, if that makes sense. anyway, i remember he told us how to say things in galic or whatever that language is. i dont think it made the teachers very happy. i remember one teacher took my ballcap off and kept it until later that week. for some reason i was always trying to wear my ballcap in school. guess i didn't understand what was to respect at a school. anyway, a fun concert i went to was in hartland. it was a punk concert with some bands from fredericton i think. it was small and loud. now that i think of it that teacher who took my ballcap was also the teacher that i really didn't like in grade three because she wouldn't listen to me and told me i was lying when i wasn't. i wish i had the courage to tell my teachers off in school, that guy at hampton high school with the big head. i dont like him, he purposely embarrased me in front of the class a bunch of few times just because he knew i was quiet and wouldn't do anything. i wish i could go back and relive that. if i ever have kids i'll definately tell them not to put up with any of that. anyway, i dont think i have a favorite band or song or anything. oh if i could play an instrument i think it would be the guitar. and i dont want to meet and musicians. they should be the ones wanting to meet me. this weekend i went to moncton to visit atlantic baptist university. it seems like an alright place. at the walmart in moncton the power went out for a few minutes. oh and i went to the mcdonalds there and someone knocked over a glass of pop sitting by the garbage can. so when the guy came to clean it up i told him we wanted a free pop and he said okay. but then someone with me said no he didn't buy it. but the guy still gave us a free pop anyway.