This paged failed. everything.
I'm at the college in the library. It's almost noon hour I don't have much to do right now. Earlier I helped wire up some recepticals. For some reason the ladies computer in the office where we were working started making some strange noises and popping and stuff, and the power bar caught on fire. It was pretty amusing.
Last night I was bored so I walked over to the mall.
The night before that I was bored too, so I walked around and went to the parking garage roof. some janitor guy said he was locking the elevator because he left his mop in it and didn't want anyone to steal it. I'm not sure who would want to steal a mop and bucket of dirty water but oh well.
For some reason when I was on the roof it reminded me of being in florida last may. Florida was alright except that i got burned real bad at the beach.
That girl who goes on my bus in the morning just walked by. She is all dressed up for some reason. ahhhhh.
i remember once when i was little i sat down to use the john and pee went between the toilet bowl and the seat cover and it ran down my pants and maybe into my socks. that was pretty funny.
i helped some old lady use something about the bus schedule today.
a while ago a lady at the grocery store talked to me about making clam chouder and wrote down the ingrediants and helped me find them. i didn't really plan on making the clam chouder, but she made it sound good. it turned out okay. wait, did i write about that in this blog before. i dont know oh well. she told me some stuff about the catholic church and Jesus.
a different lady told me piercings were of the devil.(except ears) i wonder if she's right.
I have something i have to remember to do wednesdays at seven pm. maybe i'll remember it if i write it in here.
failed another stupid test today that kind of stinks. supposedly i didn't listen or something. my imagination wanders too much though, my brain is good at blocking out what is boring and filling with fun stories of not boring things. i hate that when you can't get ahold of someone on the phone you are trying to call. i don't like most kinds of commitment. but it makes you feel good when you finally commit to something like a job or hobby or whatever. the secretary at school is cute and so is that girl who goes on my bus in the morning. i wonder if that secretary gets annoyed or is flattered that every guy that comes down the hall looks in her office. i don't like computers much.
and every day's the same.
sometimes something others would look at as being something so small is sometimes the thing that makes me so sad. or i dont know about sad but maybe mad. i dont know but it matters soo much and its such a small thing. something you can't just AHHHGFILFDJGLFIDGFDSGDH^$$%^%HSHG whatever.
sounds are weird, grade twelve physics i learned a little about it but i dont understand how i can hear things. grade twelve physics was kinda sucky. i liked chemistry better because jonah was in it and adam and we didn't like the pretty girls who thought they were too good for us. actually they wern't that pretty.
last year i should have tried jumping in the tub of fish guts that would have been funny but cold.
i'm not sure what to expect this summer but im sure it'll be something different maybe a challenge. yah so i guess its shilo, manitoba i'll be going to. i should probably do push ups or something like that. nah.
and every day's the same.
i think most of the time when i eat it is just because i have nothing better to do. this is because i keep putting something in the microwave forget about it and go back the next meal and find some old meatballs that have been in the microwave for five hours. oh well.
if you tell someone a lie enough times they will probably start to believe you. If I lie to myself enough times think I'll believe it? If you don't want a problem to exist you can always pretend it doesn't. Sort of like when you drop that spoon on the floor. you just pick it up and keep eating your yogurt and pretend it didn't happen.
a while ago I said "went and said hi to the girl whos mother gave me her number. when i told her that her mom did that she seemed quite embarased and a little mad at her. she said that was her crazy mom for you."
A day or two after that I went back and she was working and her mom was there talking to her. she was going on lunch break so i hung out with her and got her phone number myself instead of getting it from her mom which is kinda weird. anyway, i went to a movie with her later which was dumb (the movie). i went to her house a few times and she had a playstation II so that was pretty cool. anyway one of her friends says on msn messenger that i missed out on a nice girl or something. oh well.
A failed a test at school and re wrote it today and passed this time. i multiple guessed right this time.
Think about all the things we use that in ten or twenty years there will be studies that show they are harmful to our health.
when i die, i think it will be by a heart attack.
man getting the stuff for the military was a real pain. i had to get my hearing tested cause supposedly my hearing in my left ear was down. so i went to the hospital and they told me they couldn't do it so they gave me another number which also told me they couldn't do it. they told me to look in the yellow pages to find an audioligist so i did that. i took a lot of buses today. i took one to school, three to get to the audioligist place, one from there to the optomitrist and then another one home. guess my senses are still in working order.
well i will talk about the friday five although its not friday. umm, the first concert i went to was ashley macizic, or however you spell that guys name. that was probably the most unschooly thing ive ever done at school, if that makes sense. anyway, i remember he told us how to say things in galic or whatever that language is. i dont think it made the teachers very happy. i remember one teacher took my ballcap off and kept it until later that week. for some reason i was always trying to wear my ballcap in school. guess i didn't understand what was to respect at a school. anyway, a fun concert i went to was in hartland. it was a punk concert with some bands from fredericton i think. it was small and loud. now that i think of it that teacher who took my ballcap was also the teacher that i really didn't like in grade three because she wouldn't listen to me and told me i was lying when i wasn't. i wish i had the courage to tell my teachers off in school, that guy at hampton high school with the big head. i dont like him, he purposely embarrased me in front of the class a bunch of few times just because he knew i was quiet and wouldn't do anything. i wish i could go back and relive that. if i ever have kids i'll definately tell them not to put up with any of that. anyway, i dont think i have a favorite band or song or anything. oh if i could play an instrument i think it would be the guitar. and i dont want to meet and musicians. they should be the ones wanting to meet me. this weekend i went to moncton to visit atlantic baptist university. it seems like an alright place. at the walmart in moncton the power went out for a few minutes. oh and i went to the mcdonalds there and someone knocked over a glass of pop sitting by the garbage can. so when the guy came to clean it up i told him we wanted a free pop and he said okay. but then someone with me said no he didn't buy it. but the guy still gave us a free pop anyway.
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