This paged failed. everything.
just got back from my parents where i ate good food and exchanged presents. i could head to the gym since the lady there told me its open every day of the year, 5am to 11pm. went and said hi to the girl whos mother gave me her number. when i told her that her mom did that she seemed quite embarased and a little mad at her. she said that was her crazy mom for you. anyway, the other day some guys in the store wanted me to test out some heat lamps for them, so i did. then i asked what they were planning on doing with heat lamps. jordan, that red bike like you had when you were younger is still at value village, it went from fifteen dollars to eight so i can pick it up for four dollars. i think i will buy it and bike it home some day if it is still there.
its funny to think back of when you first met someone. to think of what sterotype you placed them in and if it matches up to what you think now.
sometimes you are about to say something and then you decide not to. then right after you realize how stupid it would have sounded if you had of said it. so you feel great, not that you did something but that you didn't do something. and it's even better if you know the person or people you were going to say it to would have really made fun of you for it.
don't you also love it when you cover yourself after saying something. a good example is the guy at sobeys. an old lady walks in and asks him if she can buy half a head of lettuce. the guy walks to the back and says to his co-worker, this old bag out front wants to buy half of a lettuce. the guy turns around and sees the lady standing right behind him and says, and this nice lady wants the other half. i cant remember where i heard that.
tonight value village bought us a meal at the diplomat. it was pretty good. i ordered the fisherman's platter. it came with carrots cut like a fishnet and a turnip in the shape of a mapleleaf. about half of it is in the fridge now because it was a ridiculous amount of food. especially after a "belly buster" breakfast at the irving this morning. oh i also ordered a strawberry milkshake which someone told me makes you sick when eaten with seafood. i think its a wise tale but i will find out in a few hours i guess. anyway i spent twenty five bucks plus tax which is more than my christmas bonus so i am feeling good about that. sometimes you just have useless energy to get rid of and you end up moving around and headbanging for no reason when you're all alone. not that i am doing that right now.
talked to the janitor at the gym today. he makes fun of me for not being able to lift much. anyway, he told me he found this gold braclet and he said he thought about keeping it but then decided he would ask if anyone lost it. some big black guy told him it was his. so he asked him if he had any kind of proof that it was his and the big guy looked him in the face and said, thats my $!@#ing braclet. he said that was good enough proof for him.
a mom gave me her daughters phone number at work today.
it's warm out tonight. i may go for a walk in a bit. i heard someone say zellers is open until midnight.
Well, I guess I am on christmas break now. I came home from school around noon today and did some sleeping. It was nice, but now I feel like doing stuff. there isn't really anything to do though. maybe if I had an x-box. That Halo game is pretty cool, you should bring more video games in sometime. i will call you. hmm, no answer. guess you are out driving on your four wheeler or something.
anyway, it's funny what can be so important to people. we are kind of controled by how we view ourselves and how much self esteme we have.
monday there was a fifty percent off sale at the store. there was a lot of people and the supervisor asked me if it was too overwhelming.
i should write more often in here but i feel whatever i wrote before was better than whatever i have to write now. but i know it wasn't. strange.
Sold the Sled, it was a good one that 1995 Polaris 600 XCR Triple, with its studded track and reverse, the speed was too much, and the snow wasn't enough so now the 1999 Yamaha 350 wolverine fourwheeler will have more use and longer run time. Today I went to the dentist office to get a couple cavities filled, do i ever hate that numb feeling of the freezing. Later on i bought lunch for me and my cousin at the Golden Arches(mcDics), i was lucky to eat the fries one at a time on the left side of my mouth. I think i drooled a few times drinkin my water with a straw an not because of all the highschool hotties on their lunch-break, but because if i didn't completely close my mouth the water dripped out the frozen side. Well i went to the market bought me self one of thems redneck belts with all the metal rivets. suits me well i guess. browsed the pawm shops. Then headed to the west side MCdonalds thats closed to take away a whole bunch of tables a couple counter tops some filing cabinets, and a light or two there, there were many people taking jsut about everytihng, the fun ends tommorow morning or i should say this morning now when they go to bulldoze whats left not much.I was just helping load up a few trucks and a trailer for my church. While there i ventured onto the roof probably the cleanest spot, the filthy kiitchen eating area and basement, the stench and ronchiness was terible the odour was rancit and everywhere was bits of food an garbage. It was filthy nasty dirty awful discusting so dirty i dont know if i want to eat at another resturaunt. It must have closed months ago but it was bad, and i was suprised there wasn't any rats or something there.however going on the roof was very cool. The worst part was when i got some yellow crud on my sweater, @#% was i ever was either something gone some unatural color cheese mustard, but it was gross, the second thing was lifting a filing cabinet that had been setting on the grundy basement floor. i will remeber this day as i hate McDics day.Went to youth group after getting a clean shirt on. Played some 4X4 evo 2. Watched clips here and there of Oliver Twist but it was the movie leading up to his birth. He was only in it to be born and named. Then i looked for i job. Then typed this uselessness
Here's a crazy story, i left the city only thirty minutes before this
been a while since the last post. not much too say accept that boredom is due to the lack of imagination an motivation. things sometimes seem better when your busier and in the moment and rush of all thats going on. but its good to relax once in a while. a plan. ya a plan thats what i need. no, not a 5 steps to succes plan , but something with goals and objectives. maybe i just need to try somethin new or a different approach, maybe i am going at it all the wrong way. change of angle. different possible perspective. hmmm. well there is always the need of more fresh air water and sleep. excercise, a balanced diet, etc. etc. checking for any symptons of one of the new disorders, umm( no , second thought that would probably be an excuse). maybe if i woke up and actually thought for once instead of gettin caught in an endless mind loop of mishmashed television programing i watched years ago along with a fantasy world of video games being numbed by the bright light i squint at even now.i dont have any idea what i am talking about what i need to do to make a future from the point at which i stand at now. it reminds me of one of those feelings you get when your in a place that is normally super busy but at this time is completely empty you walk around thinking about all the other times you were at that spot and what was happening, but some how it never all connects to make sense to why you are thinking it now or even why you are remebering it maybe its a smell some weird
deja vu , maybe i just need a beter understanding of time. tommorow i will learn, discover, conquer, develop, hahaha, just a thought, well who knows maybe somthing incredible will happen.
sometimes someone asks you a question they already know the answer to.
i've been taking the bus for like three months and tonight was the first night i was asked for my student ID. I don't carry my student ID because it's too big for my wallet. so i showed him my ymca card, and he let me on. i thought it said i was a student on it, but i looked at it later, it doesn't even say student. why would he get me to show my student ID if he wasn't even going to look at it. next time I'll give him my bank card or subway card or something, see if he accepts it. anyway, the gym was empty tonight, there was one guy who came in for a few minutes and the janitor, that's it. i guess not too many people work out on saturday night. i walked down for a sub, and there was a bunch of police and fire trucks and stuff down there. it's funny people who won't poop in a public bathroom. i have to say though, it is somewhat annoying when someone goes to the stall beside you. i will either try to cover with a cough, or mid-way flush. or else i will make as much noise as possible, see if i can get a chuckle from the neighbour. anyway i think that was a retarded thought but i was discussing this today with a girl at work.
talked to my mom in bolivia for a while on msn. she added me a long time ago but she has never been online. bishop bit me for the first time. it didn't hurt but i didn't think he would bite. but he probably was pretty mad because he was on the bed and i fell asleep then woke up and realized he jumped or fell off and i had to chase him around my room for quite a while before i caught him. my food intake has been ridiculous lately. yesterday i ate a breaskfast special, a bagel, a turkey and bacon sub, two tv dinners, a 6" veggie sub, and some chips. brother tim is here.
Sometimes you think something and then realize it was a dumb thing to think. Like this morning I was tapping on my desk. It was to somewhere under the rainbow. But it was the punk version of the song. And then I was thinking, oh man, if someone else heard me tapping to somewhere under a rainbow they are going to think I am a little strange. And they wouldn't even know it was a different version. Then I realized to everyone else my tapping just sounds like tapping, not like any paticular song.
For some reason I am thinking of this time when I built this really big jump for my snowboard, it was probably 5 feet high. It was a pretty fun jump. Then I went home and came back the next day and didn't realize how hard the snow had gotten that night. It was also much faster. I went off the jump. wrongly. I don't know how high I got but I actually had time to think about how much this was going to hurt. I landed on my tailbone and it was a lot of pain. I went home. I think if accidents don't occur within the first fifteen minutes of doing something, you are good for the rest of the time. that was a pretty boring story.
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