This paged failed. everything.
i stayed at brothers apartment for a bunch of days. I think I will reflect on some of the old blog entries i am reading. on april 16th, jordan started an entry with "umm the popcorn chicken was tasty. But where was the chicken part?" Dude, after eating the box of chicken with brother i know what he meant. you see, one evening we went to KFC (never again) and we ordered a box of popcorn chicken for both of us. they are actually quite small boxes, so i figured it would be a nice little snack. then the good samaritan guy tells us he will give us a big box if we "don't tell anyone". well the box was like three times as big as normal and we never did finish it. i know i felt crappy all night after that greesy mess. i told brother that after eating a lot before bed i can usually remember my dreams. well, that night i had this dream about finding this little snake that was red, black, and white. it was like the size of a garden snake but looked like a big one (you know like egyptian snakes i dont know what they are called) anyways, i picked him up and he kept biting my hand. i looked at my hand and there were little holes all in it. anyway, it was strange thats all i remember of it. okay another look back. on may 13th, i wrote "ever make wishes on the stars? well that don't work." well when i was at camp we had this camp fire and after roasting some marshmellows, i left because i didn't feel like singing anymore camp songs. i decided to stop and watch some stars so i layed down in the grass. then this girl came along and i scared her it was cool. but it was cooler that after i scared her she layed down and watched some stars with me. and then i saw a shooting star. it wasn't like "i think i saw it out of the corner of my eye maybe" it was clearly a shooting star. she didn't see it but she told me to make a wish. i told her that never works. yah that's about it for that story. i was going to end it with a making out part but i pretty much knew you wouldn't believe me anyway. so, one more look back.. on april 10th i wrote, "i need a new bike for my adventures i have planned for this summer. one without grip shift they break too easy in the cold weather." well, i didn't get a new bike. i also didn't do any of the so called adventures i had planned.