This paged failed. everything.
it's been a little while since i updated the blog. well, i moved in with dan on wednesday. i applied for a few jobs. i think i might get one maybe at the value village. who knows.
Not much to talk about today. but i got this email tonight. brought a tear to my eye.
Hey, Nick! Why don't you just shut down this email and start work on a new fun was a milennium since the latest came out. I thought you were dead or something for a couple of month ago but no when you've updated your page, you seems to be alive and ready for work on the worlds greatest game so far. Anyway this isn't a friendly asking animor....I COMMAND YOU, NICK CULBERSON, TO MAKE A NEW GAME WHIT BAD GRAPHICS!!!!!........please, please, please, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase, as you greatest fan i'm no asking you....whit honey and sugar, will you do a new small game for us.... PS. I do like your credits at "The indubitable game". A lot. DS. Reading that brought back flashbacks of apoky!'s beginnings, and all the bad grammer email's i used to receive. man, apoky! was never supposed to die.
I had three strange dreams last night. the weird thing was, the only dream that i was actually in was the last one. okay the first one was about this older man who had a heart attack. then his wife paniced and for some unknown reason tried to put him into the microwave. but of course he didn't fit. the second dream was about this guy selling ice cream. He would scoop the ice cream out and then he would flex his other arm. then using the ice cream scoop he would roll the ice cream around on his big muscle until it was a round ball. then he would put it in the ice cream cone. the third dream i went to sears and bought this new spider man game for the play station. then when i went to play it i actually went inside the game (i know this sounds like i am making it up but i'm not) this villian came along and put me in a headlock. it was dark and i was trying to find the playstation (inside the game?) so i could turn it off and quit playing.
Man I burned a pot of kraft dinner today. that's pretty pathetic. and that's about all i have to say today. except that i am invisable. and that you should tune in tomorrow to hear an interpretation of the squirl dream.
What's with old people saying that people graduating high school can't read and write or do basic math because they use computers and calculators in school. isn't that what you do on a computer, read and write things? and as for calculators, you get farther knowing how to do complex math on a calculator than basic math in your head. life would be cool if i had an asian wife and made nature films. you know how there are two holes in the bottom of the toilet bowl, i remember when i was small i thought urine went down the little hole and crap went down the big one.. ha ha ha i wasn't a very observant kid.
Sometimes I wish I could live a life that when I get old I could write a book about it and it would be worth reading. I think it is good to meet new people because people are easy to get along with when you don't know anything about them and can have shallow conversations. people in the 40's and 50's were good looking. Then around the 70's and 80's people got ugly and then it turned around again later in the 90's. Don't you hate that when someone says something you think sucks (hurts your feelings) but you laugh or act like you don't care. maybe because you don't want to look sensitive or something. You wish you could just tell people off, even if it startled them. not that you should care if it startles or offends them, they're the ones who suck, not you. and what's with old people sometimes.
I changed the look of the blog. cool new feature, you can actually interact with the blog postings now. UPDATE 8/27/2002: old page was much better.
I heard back from student loans today, they said they will give me one. i will be doing an electrical course next year. i've never done electrical work before, i hope it is okay, and will get me somewhat of a future. I went biking today. it usually puts me in a better mood but it didn't today for some reason. anyway, i stopped on the side of this road to urinate and i looked into the woods. i had this feeling that i should venture in. but i didn't. then when i got home i figured there was probably something life changing in there or something, so at about eight o'clock i got on my bike again to go back to that place. i started out but it was getting dark and i remembered the words of brother, "you're a frigging moron if you bike at night, especially on the road." so i only went like 30 seconds down the road and pulled into the ballpark and then went down by the river. there i saw some beavers and then played some hacky sack and burnt some incense. anyway, i got a letter from my friend Nikki in Nova Scotia. it had purfume on it. i will leave you with an exert from it, "I was out with Beth last night and she told me to tell you to start looking for a man for her. She has my sister looking in Ontario and she wants you to look for her in New Brunswick. I think she is getting scared that she will be single for the rest of her life. She is always saying that we are never going to find someone here in Cape Breton but she doesn't want to move anywhere else."
Okay I had another dream last night. It was about trying to kill squirls. (seriously) I woke up this morning at like 7 to pee and remembered a bunch of it but all i can remember now is i was trying to kill squirls and i actually caught one in my hand and i didn't know what to do so i broke its back with my fingers. that's about it. okay i will write stuff later tonight and it will be entertaining, remember to drop back later.
Not too much time left now Jordan. My future is somewhat uncertain right now too, hopefully I will hear more about student loan soon. I remember a dream last night. well actually it was like two dreams in one night. The first one I was in some store and I saw this black sweater that had the Gilmore girls on it. (the gilmore girls is a dumb show about this girl and her mom) well for some reason I bought the sweater, and after I bought it i tried it on and the arms were too short, so i was going to chop off the sleves and make it into a tee shirt. the second dream i had it was winter and the snow was deep. i was chasing this girl down a steep hill. she had black curly hair and was pretty. i was going to through her in the snow but she tripped and bashed her head off of a tree. I felt bad because i thought i might have pushed her.
well i get home on the 31st thats next saturday. only one more week to go in Kingston Ontario. everthing is pretty much finishing up, we only have one more excercise for a few days next week, but i anticipate that it will go well. i haven't written for a while since we move to this other building thats in shambles. some usless Tool of a person stole the hard drive out of the computer over there, i got off early today so I decided to check to see what was going on. Today is a little damp and an important guy that heads up all the communications in the maritimes didn't make it to give us a little talk and question time. thats cool, because, i think i might go get my bicycle tube fixed.
the future is definitly skechy and uncertain, but i am almost positive a well thought out plan is possible to formulate and to be used. as for school the most i would want to do is learn a language.... maybe. I plan to make a large physical fitness push upon myself for a job that i am thinking about pursueing. as i always say, nothing in set in stone, but i need something to go on. well i should go catch a bus since its rainy. 9 days and i am home. 2 of those are weekend days one is a day off and one is a day of travel. time will definitly zoom.
i stayed at brothers apartment for a bunch of days. I think I will reflect on some of the old blog entries i am reading. on april 16th, jordan started an entry with "umm the popcorn chicken was tasty. But where was the chicken part?" Dude, after eating the box of chicken with brother i know what he meant. you see, one evening we went to KFC (never again) and we ordered a box of popcorn chicken for both of us. they are actually quite small boxes, so i figured it would be a nice little snack. then the good samaritan guy tells us he will give us a big box if we "don't tell anyone". well the box was like three times as big as normal and we never did finish it. i know i felt crappy all night after that greesy mess. i told brother that after eating a lot before bed i can usually remember my dreams. well, that night i had this dream about finding this little snake that was red, black, and white. it was like the size of a garden snake but looked like a big one (you know like egyptian snakes i dont know what they are called) anyways, i picked him up and he kept biting my hand. i looked at my hand and there were little holes all in it. anyway, it was strange thats all i remember of it. okay another look back. on may 13th, i wrote "ever make wishes on the stars? well that don't work." well when i was at camp we had this camp fire and after roasting some marshmellows, i left because i didn't feel like singing anymore camp songs. i decided to stop and watch some stars so i layed down in the grass. then this girl came along and i scared her it was cool. but it was cooler that after i scared her she layed down and watched some stars with me. and then i saw a shooting star. it wasn't like "i think i saw it out of the corner of my eye maybe" it was clearly a shooting star. she didn't see it but she told me to make a wish. i told her that never works. yah that's about it for that story. i was going to end it with a making out part but i pretty much knew you wouldn't believe me anyway. so, one more look back.. on april 10th i wrote, "i need a new bike for my adventures i have planned for this summer. one without grip shift they break too easy in the cold weather." well, i didn't get a new bike. i also didn't do any of the so called adventures i had planned.
You know it's 2 bucks just for 20 minutes of internet time at Chapters.
blueberries. i went biking and went down this road with a lot of blueberries. i ate a lot of blueberries. i also saw a little green snake and drove over him by accident. i jumped off my bike but he got in the woods before i could grab him.
i've been playing your guitar a little even though it is out of tune. some things are strange. that's about all i have to say right now. i will continue regular bloging when the time is right.
Yah, I am back from camp I got home on saturday. it was pretty good. hope things are going good in the army Jordan. Man I want to play your guitar but i really don't know how to tune it, you forgot to bring your tuner along when you brought it here. yesterday i wrote a entry to the blog but then someone called so i didn't get around to publishing it. anyway, thats all for now, let me know Jordan what you are planning to do next year.
one month left to go, this past week was all out in the woods, somewhat tiring, but todays nap was good. It's hard to type since i hurt my pinky finger. i jammed it when banging a stake out of the ground. I had to go to the hospital to get 6 stiches in my incy wincy little pinky. thats good to here that your back home nick, and keeping busy. my course is running fairly smooth. tommorow i plan to go to montreal I might go see a ball game while there. I will definitly go to Steve's Music the store is two blocks large. i gota go get my laundry and go to sleep so i can catch a bus tommorow. i think i get back august 31. the next few weeks should move at a good pace, i will spend a fair bit of time relaxing an working out at the gym in the evenings. we'll talk soon.
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