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uhh hey, i am in bolivia at my apartment where i am staying for a couple months. it is a pretty nice apartment i´ve got my room and my own bathroom. my shower leaks though all over the floor. it has like a glass door to it and i stick all these towels around the bottom of the shower so too much water won´t get everywhere. there is a internet cafe in this apartment building and theres also internet cafes all over the city. they cost money though. i´m trying to learn a little spanish but it is difficult. especially when everyone is talking really fast i cant understand that. the first night i was here i went with my family to this comedy show where people were making fun of the people that are running for president here, because the bolivian election is coming up soon. i guess on that day the city basically stops running. i´ve been eating some sweet food, you can go to good restaurants and buy good food for like 2 bucks here. man people don´t through the TP in the toilets here. i didn´t know that until like a few days after i had been here. i guess it can plug up on the streets and run back into the house or something. but, i live on the third floor so if i jammed up the plumbing the people downstairs would get it. the first few days before i learned that you are supposed to put it in the garbage, the maid came by and emptied my trash but there was never anything in it. she must have thought i had nasty constipation. in my family my fathers name is Mario. He is a nice guy, he´s a guynacologist doctor and doesn´t know english. my mothers name is Ceci, she knows a little english. My brothers name is Mario Andres but his nickname is Chito. He is 17 and in highschool, he knows english pretty good. My sister Elyanan is 21 she knows english well and goes to university and lives at home. she is studying to be a doctor as well. my spanish teacher is Toni(a lady) and she´s pretty cool too. actually on monday i am going to start going to a different tutor, her name is Blanca. Im not real sure where she lives though. My team members who all live with different families are pretty cool, some are with christian families, others are not. my family is christian. some are with like single guys and stuff too. there are 3 guys and 6 girls that went to bolivia with me. it was my first time flying, it was pretty fun. havn´t gotten a window seat yet though, that kinda sucks. after we had an orientation in orlando florida we drove to the international airport in miami. our flight was delayed because of a bolivian airport strike. so, we stayed in a hotel in miami until the next day. us guys wanted to try to go to the beach but none of the girls wanted to and it was kinda late anyway. but, the last day that we were in orlando our team went to Coco beach and it was fun, the waves there are really cool. We started making this sand castle but the tide was coming in so it got wrecked before we could finish it. we all got real bad sunburns and ended up having like a major alovira fest and used like an entire bottle. i should have gotten someone else to put the sunscreen on my back because the burn was like, only where i couldn´t reach on my back. most everyone else had sunburns where i had sunburn patches. i also forgot to put sunscreen on my feet, ahh the burnage, but they are fine now. actually my feet didnt peel but my back is peeling. im talking like sheets of skin. and not just the first layer like three layers deep. its pretty funny, but umm, if you go to florida watch the sun it is nasty. I started writing a journal but that quickly faded. i also have only taken 10 pictures so far. actually today i took my first and only picture of bolivia, i took one of out my bedroom window. so yah i gotta definatly start taking some more pictures. everyone in my family has left tonight.. except odie the dog. shes a pretty cool dog, she is quite small and white and shaggy. tomorrow i guess a bunch of people set up a big market or something just down the street from me. i havn´t seen it yet because it only happens on saturdays and tomorrow will be my first saturday. monday was dia de la madre. (mothers day) We went to Ceci´s mothers house and ate some great food. i havn´t tried too much weird food yet. i went to the grocery store with my friend linda today and we saw some like intestines and hearts and toungs and some other unidentiful type stuff. the bread here is pretty tasty it is mainly like rolls and stuff but they are much grispier on the outside, it is good. i like big airports. you take a shuttle bus from one part to another. i thought it might be hard to find the way around but everything is marked really well. we played hacky sack at the airport. on the airplane i talked a little bit to a guy from argentina. he talked spanish and i talked english though so i couldnt say too much, i brought out my english - spanish dictionary and communicated a little. it is cool how in florida there are like orange trees that just kind of ramdomly grow. it´s like.. did you plant that there? the driving here in bolivia is pretty crazy. the first time i drove here i just started laughing and everyone was like what? what? its cool there arnt really any rules but people sorta know how the system works so there arnt too many accidents. cars last a long time here too, probably becuase they dont drive them fast and also because there isnt road salt here. the taxis beep there horns all the time to let people know they are there. theres a lot of troffies here too (busses). i ate at burger king today (dont ask why im stupid) and this kid came up to the window selling candy. i guess he probably isnt allowed to come inside and sell it. anyways, i bought a pack from him, didn´t eat them though, because after i bought them i realized they were those hard, really bad flavored kind of candies. anyway, i´d better go do something productive like watch some english(with spanish caption at the bottom) TV.