
This paged failed. everything.


Today I thumbed into the city. I acomplished three useful things today. I bought a army cot, which will make me nice an comfy when i sleep in the woods.( i got a tie as a bonus, last time when i needed one there wasn't any there.) I was going to go visit D &/or T but they weren't there so I went to the stolen goods store( pawn shop) on the corner and bought some mach 3's for $10.00 what a discount($7.00). I still don't admit to knowing where the stuff comes from; why i pay in cash an recieve no receipt. I found a bryan adams record there too, but upon putting it in the record player at home realized the needle was missing. The last thing was as I went to leave the building of D&T's I met up with a friend who offered to take me half way home, but then we decided we would get my sled first. So we hung out at his place for a little while. We nearly flipped on his fourwheeler when we went down the road by some water. we went into the water half way up the tires when he remember that the shifters on this fourwheeler were by the peg so he reached in the water an shifted with his hand. The snowmobile now sits in my garage an i finally started it after many pulls on the cord. It stills sounds as powerful as the I first started it. It's in beter shape then i thought it would be. I will probably sell it come winter time. I now realize there is more use to be had in a fourwheeler. If we get bundles of snow, which i highly doubt then, maybe i would keep it, but maybe not.
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