
This paged failed. everything.


i went biking today. here is the events in order.. (be forwarned nothing cool happened im just going to write it out anyway). i started out down this road and went off onto a ATV path. it was okay but then got too muddy, i have to wait a while for prime biking adventures. when i was coming back through the path i started daydreaming about these scruffy guys with shotguns who came out of the woods. they were like, alright hold it right there. i said, what? what did i do? i swear i didn't do anything. and then they were like what were you doing out here? i said, nothing i am just getting my excersize. then the guy who looked like the leader said, you've been one of the ones snooping around our weed plantation arn't you? i was like, no man i don't even smoke weed, really i dont. then he said to the other guy, well he knows now i guess were going to have to shoot him. then my daydream ended i guess i was dead. anyway, i came back to the road and started down another path which came to a split. both ways were too wet to ride. then i went back to the road and down another path. this one was short and contained big sand places where four wheelers had driven. i went to the top of this really steep place and was going to ride down but right before i went the brakes stopped working. good thing i noticed when i did or i would have died with no back brakes. i fixed them and was going to go again but they came off again. so i fixed them again. finally i didn't ride down the bank i figured well, maybe it is a sign i don't feel like dying today anyway. then i went down this dirt road and it lead to a cottage. a little wooden box about the size of a small dumpster was about halfway there. i was curious but it looked sort of scary so i left it alone. anway, on my trip i didn't see any wildlife, although i heard a bunch of birds. one that went eee eee eee eee. and i saw lots of pooh. no animals though. i met these girls going home though, they were hanging about. oh time for bed goodnight.
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