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i didn't get to update yesterday on easter. happy easter yesterday. i was going to write stuff yesterday but then a friend called and i talked to them for a long time. okay so im gonna give advice on getting girls. not that i can get girls it is just my opinion on how i think you can get girls or something. okay what i am saying is i cant get chicks but i will still write some advice on it. i don't know though, im not real sure where to start, or if i have any advice at all. i guess my advice would change pretty much daily or at least weekly because i am always changing my mind. something i've changed my mind about is how people always say "just be yourself". well i used to think whoever made that up was probably a lonely, single man/woman. but i'm not too sure now. i think acting fake can maybe get you a chick but probably it won't last very long. like i mean if you put on you are someone you are not, as soon as they find out who the real you is they will tell you to get lost. although i guess it isn't always real easy to tell what the real you is. maybe you should just pretty much act the same around girls you do like as the girls you don't like (well not exactly the same but do you get what i mean?) umm, another thing is i would say don't set your standards too high. if you are an ugly dude like me you might as well just get over it and go for a chick that isn't super hot. as long as you are attracted to her. super hot chicks get hit on all the time thus don't think anything of it, where a non-supermodel girl will think more of it when you go for her. you may think personality has no value but you'd be surprised man, it does matter. and hot chicks hardly ever have good personalities. just go for the girl you like and make sure you don't care what anyone else thinks of the person. okay let's focus on how to find a girl in the first place. im not real good at this. uhh i guess if you are in any kind of groups that'd be where you might find them. school or college. work. or whatever else you do, wherever else you hang out. i don't know. okay the first think you gotta do i think is make sure the girl knows you want her. like maybe coming right out and telling her might not be the best way especially if you don't know her name yet or something. but talk to her when other people are around so she knows your intrested in her, and not that you just like to blab with everyone. i would say get some courage up. asking for phone numbers is always good. then getting the courage up to call. this isnt such a problem if you know the person, it's harder if you don't know them. try to think of something somewhat interesting to talk about. try to be somewhat funny. another thing i would say is don't be too too nice. if you are too too nice it might seem a little strange, cause your probably not that nice around other people. it is all about playing the little game. maybe there is a way around the game but i don't know it. if you are a bit of a jerk it might actually help, nice guys usually don't win. i'm not sure why the idiots always get the girl. maybe it's because if a girl thinks she can get you too easy, you arn't good enough. who knows. i guess you could say don't try too hard. if you try too hard you might end up being too nice which i don't think always works. don't be too much of an idiot either though. if you are not trying too much and just letting things happen you are probably going to be more interesting and your humor will actually be funny instead of like, "hey ever hear the one about the guy who...". another thing i would have to say is don't always act like you want the girl to stop playing games with you. if she's playing mind games with you then maybe she hasn't figured things out in her own mind. maybe she doesn't know her own feelings and so she's just playing the game until she figures stuff out. sometimes i think its good to back off maybe a little bit. if she thinks you are giving up or starting to get interested in someone else she might give you some sort of sign that she is still interested. which is good. girls like attention, just like guys. i don't think you should wait too long to ask a girl out if you think you may have a chance. and if you don't think you have any chance, either you need more self esteme or your going for the wrong chick. i say don't get too discourage when you get rejected it is bound to happen a few hundred times. and if you havn't got rejected and you don't have a woman, you are not trying hard enough. okay well thats my advice for today, if you follow it you'll end up like me. alone. okay thats all talk to you tomorrow.