This paged failed. everything.
i would like to add something from my buddy jordan about carpet. "It would have to be the thick shag fluffy carpet. the kinda stuff you find in a seventies movie. orange. you could be laying on it dreamin about somethin happenin. that did or doesn't really happen. you some how went into another reality when you began counting the strands. 100002 100003 100004. bizzzuahahauuuuzizizizihu. zap?! it would make your body jolt. like you had to many cans of highly caffinated beverages." yah so thats a little something from him. a friend quit school because she thinks it sucks. i talked to her mom about it and she thinks the education system sucks too. she also dropped out of school, i guess thats why she works with me. it is all about decisions. small ones, big ones, medium ones. decisions effect what is going to happen. our whole life can be effected by one decision. and some decisions we make we don't really know our options, or what the consiquences are. it's easy to jump off the tracks if a train is coming, that's a easy decision. but what if we didn't see the train. would we still stay on the tracks? enough about that. i think it is never good to take charge of a situation. if you stand back and pretend you don't know what is going on you won't get hurt, or feel stupid when something you did backfires in your face. always stay in the safe zone. many people would disagree which makes me think i am probably wrong about that. it is funny how people have different opinons about everything. and everyone thinks they are right. it is hard to think we all have it right. some of us must be wrong. sometimes you just have to choose. maybe no one is right. maybe we're all right, in some way. be opened to other opinions theirs might make more sense, although someone else will probably come up with a new idea that seems better, and some other one, then who knows who is right? who knows? all i say is whatever option you choose, you could be wrong. everyone has it figured out in their own mind. or do they. maybe they just say they do. although, i must say, usually those who say they are opened to different ideas are not. they just say they are. maybe to pretend they actually choose it with reasonable research. when in reality they had already choose before they researched. i am tired i doubt this made sense. good night nick. yah i'll talk to you in the morning man.