This paged failed. everything.
hmm its nine thirty and i am kinda bored, i hope my job searching next week goes well. i think i will take a walk to sobeys, see if i can get some groceries. i'll take my book bag.
Yah i am always gone when you call. anyway i'm sure i will be around sometime.
lately a lot of people have told me that i don't show much facial expression and they can't tell what i am thinking. But that is why I am thinking and not talking. So other people don't know what it is about.
Ok, i will call you latter on tonite
jordan, i got your messages but i havn't been home the last couple days i went to my parents house. call me sometime again though.
I will try an call you if your at home in town. i am still in kingston till about the 15th unless i do something differently
Well it is 4am and I have been awake pretty much all night. I graduated yesterday from boot camp here. I guess there are good memories and bad memories. All in all I'm glad im leaving today. For some reason I have way less luggage going home than coming here. hmmm, that's probably bad. oh well. anyway, tim i am happy for you after reading your journal. sounds like you had a pretty good summer. last week our field excersize was okay but it was kind of disapointing because the fire index was too high and we didn't have any artillery simulators or anything like that. it was pretty hot too, like 38 degrees. we were told to drink two liters of water per hour, which isn't too bad if the water didn't taste like hot tea. some girl didn't drink enough and had to get hooked up to some iv's and that. the guy I shared a trench with drove me nuts. I bought a disposable camera but put it through the wash.
speaking of thirdteen i have that many duty driver days left, its a fairly big pain but thats what punishments are suppose to be. I can either take a good perspective of it, or a bad one. i guess since i will be on call throughout the night i could consider myself to be workin 24-7, yep it includes weekends, but it all ends around the thirtieth. Its not as bad as it could be, but it doesn't allow for very much free time. Driving the ford explorer is always fun i guess, but the novelty of that will wear off. I purchased another televisionset, this one is smaller 14" versus the last one 24", the picture is of good quality. should be easier to bring home and to use on excercise. My watch sorta broke the other day or just wasn't working right. the time stop but the second hand moved ahead several seconds then back again.too much water in it so i shook it and it eventually worked again. i was out sailing a couple of nights ago, sailing is super cool , one second the wind can be calm and you move gently along the next second you move more out into the open and the winds strong so you move along quick. the only bad thing is when the wind changes direction quickly or wake from other boats knocks you about. its cool cruising along in the middle of the water with just the sound of waves and water flowing along the hull of the boat.
This morning we had our thirteen kilometer ruck sack march. We were supposed to finish in two hours and a half and I think everyone made it except one guy who didn't go because he sprained his anckle a while ago. It was pretty warm especially when it got closer to noon, but I didn't find it too bad. maybe because me and another guy stopped for some water, which we were told not to do. we then had to run to catch up but it was worth it. some people were pretty mad that we didn't get to fill up our canteens, including the staff.
anyway next week we go to the field which they tell us is going to be pretty hard, since we don't really sleep too much, 4 hours every 36 or something like that. well it will be nice to get done, it's foolish hot here.
Threw some gernades on monday. i was thinking i already wrote this in here but i guess not. anyway, it wasn't as much fun as i had hoped. the explosion was pretty big though. i was the first person to throw the gernade, i think the warrent who was beside me was more nervous than me. anyway, it's bedtime we get to sleep until six or something like that tomorrow.
This weeks been alright I guess. I am not quite sure what to think but, maybe I should go do some sailing or something. I decided to go for a run the other night around 9:30 when it was a little cooler but it was still warm. it took me 24 min to run about 6-8 km or so. things haven't been to busy so times been passing a little more slowly. a couple days ago i was driving some trucks across town to be washed, one truck had a broken speedometer, i usually just follow the flow of traffic anyway. I always wanted to fire the C6 but we never had ammo for it. we had one for our trench but no ammo. so we would just yell bang bang bang or smash something against the weapon. i am in a museum, and its weird when its full because there is so much noise, i am used to walk ing around in silence and just observing things even when with a group.
Yesterday we shot the 7.62mm machine gun which was pretty fun, probably the best thing we have done so far. I always thought guns were kinda stupid but shooting that was nice. At first supposedly the command was single burst but I just took it as shoot the gun, so I took a bunch of shots and then they were like "single burst culberson stop shooting". It was pretty funny. Last night there was a big storm, i was hoping to see a tornado but no. We learned about mines and looked at a bunch of pictures of dead bodies with no heads and legs and stuff.
This morning we woke up at four and did a ten kilometer march with back pack. Then we had a room inspection which of course we all failed. Then we ate some breakfast, I had to watch the rifles for half of it so I only got one piece of bread to eat. Then we went and learned about lasers or something boring like that. Then we went outside and learned how to take a trench. Then we ate lunch, then we learned about a bunch of boring stuff about war. Then we practiced drills for the machine gun, then we had a little drill perade then we ate supper then we came back the the barracks. This place is getting boring.
03/01/2002 - 04/01/2002
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