This paged failed. everything.
Well I'm not sure if I will update this web page this summer or not. anyway i will end for now by writing the friday five.
How are you planning on spending the summer? Going to manitoba for basic military qualification.
What was your first summer job? Wal~Mart
If You could go anywhere this summer where would you go? Bolivia
What was your worst vacation ever? probably when I worked at wal mart cause i didn't really get a vacation.
What was your best vacation ever? Bolivia
A guy on the bus the other day sounded just like super dave osborne, that kinda raspy voice. went to saint john idol at the boardwalk last night, it was alright but i left after the first few. tonight i went to see some fireworks which i've never really enjoyed too much, and i was also alone. But I enjoy watching people. well i guess tomorrow is my last day in new brunswick.
At rockwood park today someone had a table set up and was going to sell hotdogs, burgers and soda, but hadn't cooked anything yet. He gave me a bottle of water. I got a few free things from people I don't know this year. glass of pepsi, ride on the bus, coke and a orange juice from mcdonalds, a iced tea from arby's, and that bottle of water. I havn't batered too much this year. Just three dollars off some boots, a cookie in with a meal, and some lube to go with my bike.
Angie left a message that said, Hi Angie it's Nick, give me a call when you get in, bye.
I enjoy walking down the sidewalk trying to not step on the cracks. Or walking through a mall trying to aviod the odd colored tiles.
I just counted that there are six different minutes in a day where all the digits in the time are the same. ie. 2:22
Yeah I just tried the coconut juice it was really gross. I took a couple sips and dumped it out. I also noticed that it was manufactured by the
thep padung porn coconut co., ltd. that's just lovely. The longan in syrup tastes alright.
Remember that owl on mr. dressup that was like a picture on the wall and his eyes moved. And it was mr. dressups voice, and it kept saying whip i whee whip i whoo or something like that. i don't like that owl too much, and couldn't they have hired someone else to do its voice besides the person who was talking to it, or at least couldn't have mr. dressup disguised his voice a little better. Stopped in at a chinese market today uptown, which i didn't knew existed. Bought some weird fruit in a can that is from asia somewhere. oh and some baby coconut juice(they had it with meat but that sounded somewhat strange). I'll go try it out here in a bit. I think food from china is probably better because all the foods have only a very few ingredients. It says ingredients: walnut, honey, sesame, vegetable oil.
girl on back deck. (which was painted blue today)
So I went down to the graduation to see angela graduate and i read the pamflet and there was something under my name so i asked the lady at the front what it meant and she said I was getting an award, and told me i should go and graduate. So she went and got me a gown and I wandered in late and went up with everyone else and was giving seventy five bucks from some company. Then I left just after angela went up because it was hot in there. i went to return my gown and the lady said I owed her thirty dollars or I couldn't get my official diploma. oh well, i don't think i will pay that. anyway i guess i will wander back down there and wait for angela to come out. oh and it was funny this other buddy in my class was right bitter cause he didn't get an award or honors or anything and he kept telling me he worked so much harder than me. it was good.
If I had money I wouldn't buy things I would do things.
In english we say "w" as double-u. In french it is something like dooble-vay. Well I don't know but my W's look more like two V's put together than two U's, so french seems to make more sense here. why don't we say tee you vee double-vee ex why zed. I should have a comments section here. But anyway I will find out the answer and tell you later.
Sometimes I wish that Jasmine off of aladin was real because she's an awfully pretty animation. I hope they don't make a real-life version of that movie because after I see what a real life Jasmine would look like I probably won't think she's as good. Kind of like when they made the flinstones movie.
Well after doing a little research I found someone who said that the letter j was made from the letter i and w was made from u or v. that's what he said, u or v. so maybe no one knows which one. so I guess I will just have to do a little test here.
VVater. VVonder. VVhatever. UUater UUonder UUhatever. Yes the double v definately makes a better w.
I was given two hundred dollars from an electrical contractors group today.
Last night I had a dream and I was addicted to cigarettes. It really is hard to quit.
Sometimes I want something but then when it happens I'm scared and wonder if I really wanted it. There is nothing more disapointing than seeing a side in someone you didn't know existed. People watch us more than we think.
I wonder if in a few years I will look back and wonder how i ever thought the way i think now. I can see myself saying, wow was I ever wrong, how did I ever think like that. sometimes you do something and it all makes sense at the time but then later you realize how wrong you were. People who always seem to give good advice sometimes end up giving a bad piece of advice. you take the advice, and it ends up costing you a lot. sometimes really a lot. The only peice of advice I can give right now is, don't think just do it. It's better to regret something than to wish you had of done it. maybe. i suppose that is how people get into trouble a lot though. oh and dont study too hard, you can't relive a fun time, but you can re write a test.
It's funny the stuff that sometimes comes into your head. right now i just thought about how on wolfinstien 3D, which i havn't played in years, in the first level, when you get to the part with brown walls, turn left in the indent in the wall and press space. There is a machine gun in there.
If I could imagine myself somewhere right now, it would be in a grassy field, as far as the eye can see. I would be all alone playing the bagpipes. Then a bunch of girls would surround me dancing to my music. They would dance like preforming for a croud, but there would be no other people around. Then lots and lots of children would run through the feild, all happy. I would suddenly burst into a really fast song on my pipes and a old man with a beard would start playing a drum to my music. The hungry people of the world would come amongst us, and the children would hand them bread and milk.
Well I bought bike shorts a while ago and some gloves today. The shorts have saved me from some pain. I havn't washed them yet though, they are starting to brew up quite a delicious smell.
went biking with the guys at the bike shop and some other people, it was pretty deadly. i definately have to buy some gloves and bike shorts. some things money can't buy. for everything else there is student loan. i downloaded a little video a while ago that was filmed in british columbia, it had little wooden pathways in the trees, and people were biking along them. I found out today there are some of those in rockwood park. the owner of bikeworks did some pretty foolish stuff. i rocked my handlebars off of a tree but they had some tools to fix it so it was okay. well i want to go biking again but i was just talking to angela and i guess she is coming here tomorrow.
just got back from the armories. had to say some allegence or something. the buddy said don't tell them the horror stories. but then he said, oh wait they are sworn in, now you can. haha. anyway, leaving the twenty eighth of june, twelve other people, from saint john to winnepeg then on a bus to shilio or whatever that town is called. i asked how many didnt pass the training and he laughed and said you'll pass. i asked how many quit and he said eleven, most of them from newfoundland because they couldn't stand the heat. he said there were two break ins or attempted break ins at the building this month. im not sure why you would choose an armories to break into. anyway im sure i'll have a pretty intense summer.
I invented my own v8 juice, except its like v3 because it only has a few vegetables. half a tomoate, a couple broclies, a couple carrots, some water, and a bit of salt. it is really gross.
well tomorrow im going to go to be sworn into the military, whatever that means.
I think I ate the stupid brand of cereal this morning.
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