This paged failed. everything.
well brothers computer wasn't working there yesterday so i couldn't tell you about someone i met. actually i don't think i met anyone anyway. well i talked to some guy named chris working on the ventilation system. hes been working in the same building. he is thinking of going to take a ventilation course in moncton. well tomorrow is my last day working here. wasn't too bad except that i didn't get paid.
i got an email back from someone, the first part said:
*smiling uncontrolably* Hey nick, im so glad u emailed me. You dont understand how much it means to me to hear from you and to hear that someone is thinking about me.
so anyway like i was saying before people sometimes make my day and that, this email was pretty good.
that's all for now.
the other day angelas mother complained about work but then said well, i should be thankful i have a job. i suppose thats true if we wern't working we would complain more about not working. anyway, i don't like fredericton too much. working with a pretty cool guy right now, we we're given three weeks to do a job and we are pretty much done in two days, but im sure there is other stuff to do.
i hate that when someone complains to you about someone else not doing enough work. if everyone would just worry about themselves. people from the salmon plant always used to tell each other how they worked harder than everyone else, who cares, you're paid by the hour, work as hard as you want. if someone at tim hortens is telling their co workers to work harder because they are short staff thats ridiculous. like the store doesn't have enough money to hire more people.
i know i rant about the same things as in previous entries, but oh well.
today sitting outside brothers work waiting for a drive home i watched people walk by and wondered what their names were. then i decided to try to make up names for them. i might have gotten some of them right who knows. it's been over one year since i first wrote something in this web space. first post was, i think knowing the future would be a punishment. exciting yes... but beneficial no. i think its true im glad i didn't know what the year had in store.
i hope sometime i make someones day. lots of people have done something or said something and made my day. maybe tomorrow i will do something to make someone elses day. maybe i will meet someone tomorrow. yeah i think i will try and tell about it in here tomorrow.
i suppose everyone has a different intelligence, personality, and beliefs. everyone has a different idea who is going to hell.
life goes from highs to lows. some people switch quicker and more drastically than others.
maybe we have to do things in life we don't like, so that life won't pass by too quickly.
biked out to second falls on thursday morning. took about five hours. visited leah and watched the lunar eclipse. it was kinda lame, i think maybe the only one i have seen though. i think when i was in grade five or something like that there was an eclipse with the sun. i dont know how it works i just remember being told don't look at the sun today, and that it only happens every hundred years or whatever.
I don't think I have much will power.
i wonder why the Cecilita from bolivia is never on msn anymore. i wonder how that family is doing. hmm, i should write someone from the united states who went to bolivia i dont think ive done that.
sometimes someone suddenly cares about something, and you have to figure out why they suddenly care now, because they never did before. it would be good if you could see what others really thought.
i hate that when i chew my fingernails and i go to rip a piece off and it tears down, that happened today.
well i am going to fredericton today for a couple weeks, filled bishops cage with lots of food hopefully he will make it.
ever start to cry in public, but no one else is crying its just cause you are in your own thoughts. usually you can stop it, just rub your eyes and think about something else. anyway, i saw some deer and a couple rabbits on my bike last night. one of the rabbits scared me i almost hit it.
we're all sterotyped, its a material world, the courts say a fetis is like a toenail, people hate each other, gossip is ruining friendships.
its annoying when people are always asking what time it is.
Well I bought that bike, it works pretty well. went to rockwood park and got it a little muddy. probably go some place again tomorrow. anyway,
anyone ever tell you something and you wished it wasn't true but you thought maybe it was?
when most books are written about someone it is because their life was devoted to one thing. like for example, musicians, religious people, etc. well if someone lived a life where a book worth reading was wrote about their life, and it wasn't for one thing but about their life in general, that would be pretty good. sort of like that book we read in sunday school about the old lady who lived through consentration camps and that.
i think the old lady i used to work with had a crush on me. actually she told me if i was fifteen years older she'd be all over me. scared the bajeebies out of me but oh well some people are funny to be around.
oh i still dont really know why guys have nipples but i think it has to do something with our gender is developed after most of our body parts or something.
a guy asked the teacher if a plane flys between two telephone wires will it just disapeer? i say dumb things too though like the other day at a restaurant i said, our food is taking awful long they havn't even brought our plates yet. the reply was, they bring the plates when they bring the food on them. guess i forgot that.
I think i am a bad speller but today i saw someone in college spell George, Goerg.
The walk to rockwood park was alright yesterday I saw some tame deer and watched some ducks. I might be making a
purchase this week.
I'm not sure why guys have nipples. I will figure it out and write the answer later.
yesterday i walked over to arby's for some supper. I was going to stop at tim hortens for some desert but they were doing renevations so i went across the highway but then realized i didn't have any cash and they dont accept debit there. so i went to the irving and got a mcains cake and welches grape juice. there was no point to this story.
stopped at the peircing place today and bought a little dice for my lip for something to do, it looks way to big though.
if i want to change the world i should start with myself.
im going to walk to rockwood park, i will tell about it when i get back. i wish i had a mountian bike.
It's impossible to warm up the outside. better close your windows. If something good happens to us, should we keep it inside because it's impossible to warm the outside?
Sometimes you wish you could tell someone something but you know it might hurt their ego.
selfishness is bothersome.
i hope i don't have to buy a car for a quite a while.
if my life was a movie i wouldn't listen to the soundtrack. i keep feeling like i am in a movie lately though.
Went to the nubodys gym. don't plan to join, but they gave me two days to try it out. Should go today before it closes.
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