This paged failed. everything.
I am twenty years old now so i guess i am not a teenager. Oh well at least i still have no responsibilites.
i think from now on i will introduce myself as nicholas instead of nick.
Well I went this morning to some government building to do a bunch of tests to see if i am suitable for the military or whatever. I got a taxi and the driver said he thought about joining but decided not to unless this war ends. I said i might go to manitoba for the summer and he said well you might end up going more than manitoba. ends up its not manitoba but saskatuwan that i would be going. the different tests wern't too difficult, the physical test was pretty easy. Had to step up and down these stairs to a little beat... up - one - two - down - one - two - up - one - two.... You would definately get frustrated long before you felt tired. I don't know if I agree with this war or not, I don't think I do, I dont understand it. Everyone probably lies anyway.
Well I was going to make a cool web page with pictures but then dans camera got busted.
Some things are really hard to figure out. Sometimes you just wish someone could give you answers to your questions, and not just answers to make them sound like they have it all figured out but real answers like they are being honest.
I don't know what this friday facts thing is but I'll answer it anyway.
1. Do you like talking on the phone? Why or why not?
I usually enjoy talking on the phone but would rather just talk to someone in person.
2. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
Who i had an actual conversation with... probably Jordan
3. About how many telephones do you have at home?
about two
4. Have you encountered anyone who has really bad phone manners? What happened?
Well at work today this person called and asked me if I could check to see if we had any extra large womans thongs in stock. They wern't really rude to me but i gave the call to someone else and i think they were rude to them.
5. Would you rather pick up the phone and call someone or write them an e-mail or a letter? Why or why not?
talk on the phone, it is too hard to give proper feeling in text.
This web page failed. But did I?
This web page failed. and so did I.